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Maptalk-Digest Tuesday, December 18 2001 Volume 01 : Number 330

21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act, H.R. 2
    From: "jini" <>
Re: Totally off topic but it struck my funny bone.
    From: "Dave's home" <>
!!! CN BC: Drug Conviction Cost Air Traveller His Ticket
    From: Josh Sutcliffe <>
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednsday - plus other stuff
    From: Richard Lake <>
LTE to be published
    From: "kim hanna" <>


Subj: 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act, H.R. 2215
From: "jini" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 21:44:25 -0600

Durbin (12/14/01) - Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I am disappointed that one or
more Republican Senators are holding up final passage of the 21st Century
Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act, H.R. 2215.

     This bipartisan bill is supported by the Bush Administration and
cosponsored by Senator Hatch, the ranking Republican Member of the Judiciary
Committee. It was unanimously approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee
back on October 30.
     This bill, with a bipartisan amendment authored by Senator Hatch and
myself, has cleared the Democratic cloakroom for final passage but someone
on the other side of the aisle has placed a secret hold on it. I would urge
my Republican friends to permit the Senate to take up and pass this critical
     The 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization
Act, provides permanent enabling authorities which will allow the Department
of Justice to efficiently carry out its mission.
     At a time when the Department of Justice is conducting the most
sweeping investigation into terrorist conspiracies in our Nation's history,
the Senate should pass this legislation.
     Indeed, Title II our bipartisan bill provides the Department of Justice
with additional law enforcement tools in the war against terrorism. Section
201 permits the FBI to enter into cooperative projects with foreign
countries to improve law enforcement or intelligence operations, and Section
210 provides special ``danger pay'' allowances for FBI agents in hazardous
duty locations outside the United States.
     In addition, the bill as passed by the Committee, contains language
offered by Senator Feinstein to authorize a number of new judgeships.
     Title III of this bipartisan legislation authorizes eight new permanent
judgeships as follows: five judgeships in the Southern District of
California; two judgeships in the Western District of Texas; and one
judgeship in the Western District of North Carolina. Section 312 would also
convert two temporary judgeships in Illinois into permanent judgeships,
create one new temporary judgeship in the Western District of North
Carolina, and extend the temporary judgeship in the Northern District of
Ohio for five years. -->
     I strongly support Senator Feinstein's amendment, as do many of my
colleagues on the Judiciary Committee on a bipartisan basis, including
Senator DeWine, Senator Durbin, Senator Edwards, and others. I believe that
the need for these new judgeships is acute.
     Finally, the bill creates a separate Violence Against Women Office to
combat domestic violence. This section of the bill was crafted by Senator
Biden and Senator Specter_another bipartisan partnership in this
legislation. There is strong bipartisan support in the House and Senate to
create a separate Violence Against Women Office within the Department of
     Senator Hatch and I have also worked together to craft a bipartisan
floor amendment which compiles a comprehensive authorization of expired and
new Department of Justice grants programs and improvements to criminal law
and procedures.
     For example, our bipartisan floor amendment authorizes Department of
Justice grants to establish 4,000 Boys and Girls Clubs across the country
before January 1, 2007. This bipartisan amendment authorizes Department of
Justice grants for each of the next 5 years to establish 1,200 additional
Boys and Girls Clubs across the Nation. In fact, this will bring the number
of Boys and Girls Clubs to 4,000. That means they will serve approximately 6
million young people by January 1, 2007.
     In 1997, I was very proud to join with Senator Hatch and others to pass
bipartisan legislation to authorize grants by the Department of Justice to
fund 2,500 Boys and Girls Clubs across the Nation. We increased the
Department of Justice grant funding for the Boys and Girls Clubs from $20
million in 1998 to $60 million in 2001. That is one reason why we have now
2,591 Boys and Girls Clubs in all 50 States and 3.3 million children are
being served. It is quite a success story.
     But the authorization for these Department of Justice grants to Boys
and Girls Clubs across the country has expired. This bipartisan legislation
will renew and expand these grants.
     Parents, educators, law enforcement officers, and others know we need
safe havens where young people can learn and grow up free from the influence
of the drugs and gangs and crime. That is why the Boys and Girls Clubs are
so important to our Nation's children.
     Our bipartisan amendment also includes the Drug Abuse Education,
Prevention, and Treatment Act of 2001. I am pleased that we have included in
this package the version of S. 304 that the Judiciary Committee passed
unanimously on November 29. This legislation ushers in a new, bipartisan
approach to our efforts to reduce drug abuse in the United States. It was
introduced by Senator Hatch and I in February. Senator Hatch held an
excellent hearing on the bill in March, the Judiciary Committee has approved
it, and the full Senate should follow the committee's lead. This is a bill
that is embraced by Democrats and Republicans alike, as well as law
enforcement officers and drug treatment providers. -->
     This legislation provides a comprehensive approach to reducing drug
abuse in America. I hope that the innovative programs established by this
legislation will assist all of our States in their efforts to address the
drug problems that most affect our communities.
     Our bipartisan amendment also includes provisions to protect witnesses
who provide information on criminal activity to law enforcement officials by
increasing maximum sentences and other improvements to the criminal code.
     And our bipartisan legislation contains amendments, authored by Senator
Sessions, that modify the Paul Coverdell National Forensic Science
Improvement Act of 2000 to enhance participation by local crime labs and to
allow for DNA backlog elimination. I was proud to cosponsor the Coverdell
grants bill last year and support it to help bring the necessary forensic
technology to all states to improve their criminal justice systems.
     The 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act
should result in more effective, as well as efficient, Department of Justice
for the American people. But it must pass the Senate soon and be reconciled
with the House-passed bill in a conference.
     I urge my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to lift the secret
hold on this bipartisan legislation to support the Department of
Justice. -->

Bill Search for H.R. 2215 @


Subj: Re: Totally off topic but it struck my funny bone.
From: "Dave's home" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 10:59:12 -0400

I say a similar joke where OBL is flying on a magic carpet being chased by a fighter

Humour is always appreciated, unless one happens to be a grouchy scrooge.
Then it's a visit from the ghosts of past, present and future, no doubt...

How about telemarketing in Afghanistan! ;->

peace presence,
dave d.

- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Greer" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 7:15 PM
Subject: MAP: Totally off topic but it struck my funny bone.

> The attached photo "Driving in Afghanistan" was worth the off topic post
> IMO. But then again I have a warped sense of humor. :)
> Apologies to those who don't appreciate it.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Subj: !!! CN BC: Drug Conviction Cost Air Traveller His Ticket
From: Josh Sutcliffe <>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 17:35:09 -0500

Damn, this really sucks!

I hate stating the obvious, but this time I can't help myself:

Don't we feel safer knowing that those who are in charge of 
protecting us from terrorists nabbed this guy with a decade-old drug 
(hash-oil. Oooo, scary) conviction?

I would love to see this story in the states. I bet a dime bag I'll 
be disappointed.


Newshawk: Herb
Tracknum: 6899.v01540b00b842b123452a
Pubdate: Fri, 14 Dec 2001
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2001 The Province
Author: Adrienne Tanner


If there's a drug conviction in your past, make sure any plane you 
board does not touch down in the United States, even for an hour.

Heightened security measures at airports there are forcing all 
passengers who land on U.S. soil to clear customs and immigration.

Those found inadmissible are being turned back to Canada, regardless 
of their ultimate destination.

Jason Hammond, 29, missed his trip home to New Zealand last week 
because U.S. immigration refused him entry to a Hawaiian airport 
transit lounge for a two-hour stopover.

Before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. allowed air carriers 
to stop for refuelling and crew changes without subjecting passengers 
to full immigration and customs checks said Peter Gordon, an 
assistant inspections director with the U.S. Immigration and 
Naturalization Service.

That exemption was suspended a short time after Sept.11, he said.

Hammond, who was convicted of possession of hash oil for the purpose 
of trafficking when he was 20, was sent back to Canada.

He lost his $2,100 ticket and must now pay for another trip, via a 
new route, to travel home for Christmas.

The Vancouver resident said he knew his record renders him 
inadmissible to the U.S. and has never tried to go there.  But he'd 
taken the same Air Canada flight through Hawaii many times with no 

He wasn't the only one caught in the new security sweep.  Another 
passenger on his flight with a drug record was sent back and lost his 
ticket and prepaid diving holiday.

"It cost me a lot.  But it cost him five or six times what it cost 
me," Hammond said.  He said he wished his travel agent at Flight 
Centre had notified him of the security change.

Lori Meeks, manager of Flight Centre on Pender Street, said it is the 
passenger's responsibility to do the research before booking a flight.

For security reasons, both Canada and the United Sstates have also 
stopped allowing passengers to preclear customs and immigration 
before reaching their final destinations.


Subj: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednsday - plus other stuff
From: Richard Lake <>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 19:46:18 -0500

Marc-Boris St-Maurice of the Canadian Marijuana Party will be our special guest in the DrugSense 
Chat Room , Sun. Dec. 16th at 8 p.m. 
Eastern, 5 p.m. Pacific. with a follow up session in the NYT Drug Policy 
Forum on Tuesday, 18 
Dec. at the same times.

And: On Wednesday, 19 Dec. at the same times Chris Conrad returns to the 
NYT Drug Policy Forum.


For a complete listing of scheduled guests participating in the NY Times 
and Drugsense forums, please visit the Drug Truth Chat & Forum Guide at  At this site you can also 
find transcripts of prior guest visits and nominate future guests.


The transcript of Dr. Grinspoon's Visit To The DrugSense Chat Room is on 
line at

A transcript of The Hutchinson/Johnson debate at Yale is on line at and


p.s. DPFWI listmember Ben Masel posted the following to their discussion 
list, which I thought I would pass along:

How the Feds Stole Christmas

By Gary Krist

Sunday, December 16, 2001; Page B05

"The federal government is the Scrooge of the season."

- -- D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton

The American people liked Christmas a lot --

But the Federal Government clearly did NOT!

The feds hated Christmas! They did -- every one!

They hated the chaos, the crowds and the fun.

"It's wartime!" they cried. "We have to be wary.

The prospect of Christmas is simply too scary."

(For they saw in the season's delightful excesses

The makings of untold security messes.)

"Those tourists will come to D.C. on their jaunts

And want to see all of our usual haunts.

They'll fly in from places like Flint or Peru

And expect to see Congress, the Archives, the Zoo.

"But how to distinguish, amid all the revels,

The innocent tourists from terrorist devils?

We've got to be hard-nosed -- too bad if they frown!

We've got to take action to lock up the town!"

So those Grinches did issue an edict to close

All tours of the White House to regular Joes.

"No visits allowed -- not sooner, not later --

For you never know who is part of al Qaeda."

This order, however, was only the latest

Of numerous acts to defeat those who hate us.

For one Grinch named Ashcroft already had taken

Draconian steps that left liberals shaken.

"It's crucial," said he, "to adopt zealous measures

In order to safeguard our national treasures."

So he'd rounded up suspects -- and not just a few:

If your face fit his profile, well, boo-hoo for you.

But that wasn't all; no, these Grinches had more.

For they saw in this issue a wide-open door.

Why, they even made plans, in their fright and their fury,

To try certain people without any jury!

And so, under pretext of just being cautious,

They did things the Founders would surely find nauseous.

"We've done it," they crooned, "We've killed off their spirit.

They once loved their freedom, but now they all fear it!"

"Yes, Christmas is spoiled, and Hanukkah, too.

But with things as they are, who will dare to say boo?

For when people are scared, they seize any solution,

Despite all their laws and their old Constitution."

But we know the rest; sure, we've all read our Seuss.

We know that our people won't brook such abuse.

We know they'll give voice to their freedom of speech

And cry out their demand: equal justice for each.

And the Grinches, of course, will take heed and reform.

Their cold little hearts will grow ample and warm.

For that's how it works in a holiday tale:

The world's finer nature will always prevail.

Ah --

But there we'd be wrong, for in this case, alas,

The heartwarming ending may not come to pass.

The American people, it seems, quite approve!

The polls show support for each Grinch-worthy move.

So the Grinches have triumphed! The '50s are back!

And here's what we've learned from this terror attack:

That life is no kid's book with uplifting plot;

Our freedoms are precious -- except when they're not.

- -- Gary Krist is a Washington writer. His latest novel is "Chaos Theory"
(Random House).

                                    © 2001 The Washington Post Company


Subj: LTE to be published
From: "kim hanna" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 23:07:04 

The Roack River times called and said they'd be publishing my LTE in a 
future issue.


I sent a LTE thanking the paper for the OPED below.

I took a look at the MAP archives and this paper
publishes a lot of LTE's.  Good for them.

US IL: OPED: What Did You Do In The War Daddy?
Newshawk: M. Simon
Pubdate: Thu, 13 Dec 2001
Source: Rock River Times (IL)
Copyright: The Rock River Times 2001
Author: M. L. Simon

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End of Maptalk-Digest V01 #330

Mark Greer ()         ___ ___     _ _  _ _
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