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Canada Headlines

URL: http://mapinc.org/area/Canada

SupportedBC Marijuana Party

The BC Marijuana Party recognizes the supremacy of the individual over the state. We believe that this condition is best protected by each individuals’ right to in life, liberty, and property. We further purport the principle of self-ownership. This right guarantees individuals full control over their bodies. This means that each individual has the right to decide what does, and does not, enter their bodies. And, accordingly, each individual is responsible for their bodies and those substances they choose to put in their bodies.

Features: Policy, Press Releases, Merchandise, Membership, Mailing List(s), Chat, Forum, News
Last-modified: 500 - Mon Mar 5 2018
URL: http://bcmarijuanaparty.com/

SupportedBloc Pot

Promote the decriminalisation of marijuana possesion and culture in the province of Quebec. There are many possible strategies available to enact this policy without breaching our constitutional limitations because the provincial government is in charge of administering justice within its boundaries.

Features: Mailing List(s), Forum, Policy, Membership
Last-modified: Mon 05 Mar 2018
URL: http://www.blocpot.qc.ca/

British Columbia Compassion Club Society

Canada's largest medical marijuana buyers' club. Based in Vancouver, BC, the Compassion Club provides clean cannabis and alternative therapies in a safe, healing environment.

Features: Search Engine, Membership, Speakers, News, Publications, Press Releases
Last-modified: Mon Mar 5 2018
URL: http://www.thecompassionclub.org/

Calgary 420 Cannabis Community

Calgary based cannabis community for ALL cannabis consumers.

Features: History, Merchandise, Audio/Video, Chat, Forum, News
Last-modified: Mon 05 Mar 2018
URL: http://Calgary420.ca/

SupportedCanadian Cannabis Coalition

Dedicated to facilitating access to a safe supply of cannabis through research, education and advocacy.

Features: Commentary, Press Releases, Membership, Research, Newsletter, Mailing List(s), Chat, Forum, News
Last-modified: Mon Mar 5 2018
URL: http://cannabiscoalition.ca/

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse

A non-profit organization working to minimize the harm associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

Features: Policy, Publications, Press Releases, Search Engine, Research
Last-modified: Mon 05 Mar 2018
URL: http://ccsa.ca/

Canadian Drug Policy Coalition

The CDPC envisions a safe, healthy and just Canada in which drug policy and legislation as well as related institutional practice are based on evidence, human rights, social inclusion and public health.

Features: Mailing List(s), News, Policy, Publications, Press Releases, Membership, Research, Blog
Last-modified: Mon Feb 5 2018
URL: http://drugpolicy.ca/

SupportedCanadian Foundation for Drug Policy

The Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy (CFDP) is a non-profit organization founded in 1993 by several of Canada's leading specialists in drug policy. Its founding members include psychologists, pharmacologists, lawyers, health policy advocates and public policy researchers. The Foundation is funded entirely by its members and by contributions from other organizations with an interest in drug policy reform.

Features: Search Engine, Membership, Speakers, Mailing List(s), News, Commentary, Policy, Publications, Press Releases
Last-modified: Sun Apr 2 2017
URL: http://www.cfdp.ca/

Canadian Harm Reduction Network

The Canadian Harm Reduction Network is an umbrella organization for individuals and organizations across Canada dedicated to reducing the social, health and economic harmsassociated with drugs and drug policies.

Features: Membership, Speakers, Newsletter, Forum, News, Press Releases
Last-modified: Mon 05 Mar 2018
URL: http://canadianharmreduction.com/

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network is based in Montreal (Quebec), Canada. It is the only national, community-based, charitable organization in Canada working exclusively in the area of policy and legal issues raised by HIV/AIDS. It was formed in November 1992 and has over 200 members across Canada and internationally.

Features: Publications, Press Releases, Search Engine, Research, Mailing List(s)
Last-modified: Tue 05 May 2015
URL: http://www.aidslaw.ca/

SupportedCanadian Marijuana Party

The Marijuana Party of Canada's political platform is to end prohibition of cannabis.

Features: Membership, Speakers, Mailing List(s), Forum, News, Press Releases
Last-modified: Mon Mar 5 2018
URL: http://www.marijuanaparty.org/

SupportedCanadian Media Awareness Project

Canadian wing of the Media Awareness Project

Features: Mailing List(s), Forum, News
Last-modified: Mon Mar 5 2018
URL: http://www.mapinc.org/cmap/

SupportedCanadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy

CSSDP is a national grassroots student network concerned about the negative impact our drug policies have on individuals, families and communities. The criminal justice approach to drug use is failing our generation and our society, leading to increased harm from drug use. Criminalizing young people who use drugs ensures that drugs remain in the hands of organized crime and marginalizes those that develop problems with drugs.

Features: Press Releases, Search Engine, Membership, Audio/Video, Mailing List(s), Forum, News
Last-modified: Mon Mar 5 2018
URL: http://www.cssdp.org/

SupportedCanadians for Safe Access

Canadians for Safe Access (CSA) is an action-oriented, grassroots campaign of patients, supporters and suppliers working at the local, provincial and national level to change the unjust laws that prevent Canadians from accessing therapeutic cannabis.

Features: Policy, Press Releases, Search Engine, Research, News
Last-modified: Wed Jan 6 2016
URL: http://safeaccess.ca/

SupportedCannabis As Living Medicine

CALM is a medicinal cannabis club based in Toronto, Ont.

Features: Commentary, Search Engine, Membership, News
Last-modified: Mon Feb 5 2018
URL: http://cannabisclub.ca/

SupportedCannabis Facts for Canadians

Cannabis facts for all Canadians

Features: Policy, Search Engine, History, Research, News
Last-modified: Thu Feb 13 2014
URL: http://cannabisfacts.ca/

SupportedCannabis Health / The Canadian Medical Marijuana Journal

The Canadian Medical Marijuana Journal

Features: Publications, Search Engine, Merchandise, Research
Last-modified: Fri Jan 12 2018
URL: http://www.cannabishealth.com/

SupportedCannabisLink (Canada)

Canadian trends, education, information and resources connected to cannabis.

Features: Commentary, Publications, Search Engine, Research, News
Last-modified: Mon Mar 5 2018
URL: http://www.cannabislink.ca/

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

A public hospital providing direct patient care for people with mental health and addiction problems. The Centre is also a research facility, an education and training institute and a community based organization providing health promotion and prevention services across the province of Ontario, Canada, and is designated as a World Health Organization Centre of Excellence.

Features: Publications, Press Releases, Search Engine, Research
Last-modified: Mon Mar 5 2018
URL: http://www.camh.net/

Centre for Addictions Research of BC

Substance use can be a healthy part of life, but also involves some risks. Inform-BC provides information and resources to support collaborative and realistic approaches to preventing and minimizing problems related to substance use.

Features: Newsletter, News, Publications, History, Research
Last-modified: Mon Mar 5 2018
URL: http://carbc.uvic.ca/

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Cannabis Consumers Campaign


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This links directory is provided by MAP as an aid to finding drug-related information. MAP takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided within these links. Any medical information or treatment options should be discussed with your doctor, legal information with your lawyer. MAP does not provide help on medical or legal issues in any context. Enjoy the links and please check back often for updates.

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