Drug Policy Reform Mailing Lists
CMAP was established on August 20, 1996, under the name "Mattalk", to provide a discussion forum for the coordination of Canadian drug policy reform efforts and to help spread news related to Canadian drug policy. CMAP also serves as the Canadian wing of MAPTalk. Both lists encourage and assist activists in writing letters to their policy-makers and the media. To subscribe to CMAP, fill in the form below. You can unsubscribe from CMAP any time. CMAP is also available as a digest, a compilation of CMAP postings mailed out about once a day. The digest is recommended for those who like to read more than write. To subscribe to the CMAP-Digest, fill in the form below. Matt Elrod, CMAP Administrator |
Webmaster | Matt Elrod | |
This page has been accessed 39862 times. | Last modified: Friday, 01-Oct-2010 09:41:02 PDT |