Pubdate: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 Date: 03/23/2000 Source: Washington Times (DC) Author: Ellen Herndon Atkins Authors: Ellen Herndon Atkins Note: Title supplied by MAP editor I agree with Arianna Huffington when she says the plan to spend $1.7 billion on so-called drug-war aid to Colombia is "nuts" ("Latest priority in drug war," Commentary, March 15). Why isn't the U.S. government making more of an effort to aid the millions of addicts who aren't receiving treatment? The aid package won't make drugs disappear from the United States, or Colombia for that matter. I'm an American taxpayer who will receive no benefit from this bill. It appears that this is an attractive plan to a few corporate profiteers and government officials in both countries. I think it is disgusting that the Clinton administration chooses to bundle this aid as part of a larger emergency-spending package that includes military health care and relief from natural disasters such as Hurricane Floyd. This isn't about drug-war aid or caring about people, it's about already rich people getting richer. ELLEN HERNDON ATKINS, Mineral, Va.