Pubdate: Fri, 31 Mar 2000
Date: 03/31/2000
Source: Times, The (UK)
Author: Robert Sharpe
Referenced: URL:

Sir, I know quite a few people whose lives have been ruined by drug
laws, but no one whose life has been ruined by cannabis. Indeed, I
know alcoholics who have turned their lives around by putting down the
bottle and picking up the cannabis pipe.

Granted, they may still have a substance abuse problem, but at least
now they can get out of bed in the morning without a hangover and lead
productive lives. Nor do they run the risk of drinking themselves to

It is not possible to consume enough marijuana to die from an
overdose. Imagine how many lives would be ruined if every alcoholic in
the UK were thrown in jail and given a permanent criminal record.

Robert Sharpe Students for Sensible Drug Policy, George Washington
University 201 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Apt 701, Washington DC