Pubdate: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 Date: 03/12/2000 Source: Salt Lake Tribune (UT) Author: James Vincent Roach Congratulations to the Utah Council for Crime Prevention (UCCP) for their efforts to combat Utah's meth problem (Tribune, Feb. 3). It is, however, unfortunate that no intelligence is behind these efforts. Methamphetamines are unarguably a problem in Utah, placing us No. 1 nationwide in per capita meth labs. Narcing people out so far has done nothing to combat meth production. It has only increased demand and made it so a larger profit could be made. Currently, an ounce of meth is more valuable than an ounce of gold. People will obviously be lured by the astronomical profit involved. If we establish that the production and usage of meth is wrong, we must also establish ways for users to get help, and make it so there is no profit in the production/distribution/selling of meth. Prison is currently the only mechanism in place to address this issue, and our recent past will show us how ineffective it is. Rehabilitation programs for users are two-thirds cheaper than prison, and are far more humane than the vigilante attitude encouraged by the UCCP. We should not be concerned with what punishments we want these criminals to face in prison, but instead think about how we want them to be when they come out. Harm reduction would enable users to arrest their addiction, instead of recirculating them through our prisons. It would also reward people for seeking help and allow them to get the help they so desperately need. Maybe if these apparatuses were in place, users would get the help they need and would not even require people to narc them out to make our society better. James Vincent Roach, Salt Lake City