Pubdate: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 Date: 04/10/2000 Source: Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Author: Miranda Whale Nagy Referenced: The vast majority of ecstasy/cocaine/heroin users can't last a couple of days without a hit (Letters, April 6)? Please. Again that tired old line that illicit drug use is always a function of addiction, when in fact (like much illicit drug use, such as Friday night drinks) it often revolves around particular kinds of social interaction. It always brings a smile to my face when I realise that the people who want to wield the biggest stick against illicit drugs are generally the people who know least about them. Then I realise that they are also often the ones who are making the laws, which is no laughing matter. More community education for users and non-users alike, please. And no drug-testing of teenagers! Miranda Whale Nagy, Alice Springs (NT)