Pubdate: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 Date: 04/11/2000 Source: Wall Street Journal (US) Author: Gerald M. Sutliff Mr. Fukuyama makes it clear, perhaps unintentionally, that our foreign policy toward Columbia is a case of the tail waging the dog. Our precious, albeit failed, War on Drugs is more important to us than the future of Columbia. Replacing prohibition of cocaine and heroin with a sensible, regulated market, thereby eradicating the obscene profits created by prohibition, would restore some semblance of political balance between the competing interests in Columbia. Ending prohibition would require a major infusion of developmental funds to prevent economic collapse. Nevertheless better that, and cheaper, too, than guns, helicopters and unending warfare. Gerald M. Sutliff Emeryville, Calif. Note: The WSJ, historically prohibitionist, here prints letters from two oft-published letter writers. Together, Sharpe and Sutliff have 36 letters in the 1999-2000 MAP archive at