Pubdate: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 Date: 04/12/2000 Source: Mountain Xpress (NC) Author: Brian Kester In reference to [my previous letter], "I D.A.R.E. You To Be Nonconforming" [Jan. 5], it is true the D.A.R.E. program, with its big glass case [filled with] drugs and paraphernalia =96 which they show to kids in grade school =96 backfires. One way or another, people will always learn of alternative substances, since they have been an integral part of human evolution. Kids, adults, spiritual seekers, the chemically imbalanced and experience-adventurers are all drawn, by curiosity or need, to drugs =96 and you can't stop human nature with all your money, Ritalin, propaganda, tough love, force, persecution, prisons, fear and murder. This whole War on Drugs does monstrous injustice to our citizens, friends and families. But rather than fighting this civil/human crisis, the focus should be on working toward a solution to not only the drug problem, but the social disease of the War itself. Why should you actually care about the dehumanization and suffering endured by millions of honorable Americans through broken families, long prison terms, court costs, loss of jobs, loss of property, loss of voting rights, the destitution of addiction, death by cop, and all sorts of miserable misfortune, all because of offenses which are of a nonviolent nature? And you think decriminalization of drugs would cause problems? What problems? The taxable work force would be strengthened by the millions upon millions of drug offenders who would be released from prisons =96 and by those who would never enter. Families could remain intact, instead of children growing up without mommies and daddies during holidays and birthdays, because of long prison terms over these nonviolent behaviors. Decriminalization would save money and time in the courts, all the while reducing rampant police corruption (like cops using and selling crack and heroin), or the military terrorizing ... the indigenous people of South America. We could tax sales that would otherwise be black-market, resulting in billions of dollars in revenue. The cannabis-hemp industry would send a shock wave of healthy competition through the megacorporate world. New innovations in approaches to drug addiction as a treatable, social disease =96 rather than a crime =96 could be instituted to profit the community as a whole, and millions of citizens and families could begin to lead functioning and productive lives, free of government persecution. The War on Drugs costs us our morals, freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution, and trillions of tax dollars to finance domestic terrorism of our own citizens. ... The war is breeding a whole new species of cops [who] richly prosper from violently fighting an international, social problem ... which needs to be holistically treated and healed rather than antagonized with persecution, fear, dehumanization, murder and misinformation. There should be a distinction between hard-core, addictive, synthetic drugs =96 like cocaine, nicotine and heroin =96 and the benign, natural cannabis hemp. Cannabis hemp can easily and naturally provide a wealth of food, fuel, fiber and medicine at low cost =96 so in whose interest is cannabis prohibition, anyway? Who would want this natural wealth prohibited? The timber tycoons, the fuel/oil industry, the American Medical Association, the pharmaceutical industry, big tobacco [interests], Dow/Dupont and the chemicals-plastics industry, megacorporations, a whole population of cops and prison guards and the military. ... Most people are afraid to discuss drug decriminalization, for fear of attracting the evil eye. Doctors are afraid they'll lose their licenses for advocating the medical benefits of marijuana; government representatives fear losing votes and their jobs. Whether you use pharmaceutical drugs or caffeine, whether you are unfortunately addicted to cocaine, tobacco or heroin, or if you get high on chocolate or social drinks, whether you use cannabis for medicinal, inspirational or recreational purposes, whether you advocate personal, civil liberties of any kind =96 I say it's not only your moral duty and in your financial interest, but ... your legal obligation to engage in the debate to end this civil/human-rights catastrophe. ... Do anything, but do something! Vote, write letters and call your representatives and tell them to end the War on Drugs; decriminalize cannabis hemp and treat hard-core addiction to cocaine, tobacco, heroin and alcohol as a disease =96 not a crime. If nothing else, write one letter to the media. If you're registered to vote in Asheville, sign the petition (by April 20) for a referendum to make marijuana/cannabis/hemp violations the lowest priority of local law enforcement. These petitions and referendums are being passed all over the country. ... Asheville's petition is based on the first one adopted in the country, in Berkeley, Calif. ... Don't be afraid to speak up =96 while you still can. Brian Kester, Asheville