Pubdate: Tue, 02 May 2000 Date: 05/02/2000 Source: Province, The (CN BC) Author: Kathy Galbraith Jim McNulty so eloquently outlined the abysmal drug situation, I was moved and deeply impressed. I thank him and honour his courage to say what drug reformers have been long advocating, to seemingly deaf ears. The kowtowing to the U.S. party line known as the green assassins, or pot-swats, is disgraceful. These are just gangs of thugs who beat up on living plants, ripping them up by the roots, wasting good medicine, while compassion clubs cry for enough supply for all their patient-members. Canada needs to lighten up, and B.C. will most likely lead in the effort to resolve this issue realistically. Stop embarrassing the country immediately with these ridiculous farmer busts. Kathy Galbraith, Raymond, Alta.