Pubdate: Sun, 07 May 2000
Date: 05/07/2000
Source: Calgary Sun, The (CN AB)
Author: Robert Sharpe
Note: headline by MAP editor

RE: "TICKET pot smokers to keep courts clear," May 2. Alberta's
justice minister is right about marijuana introducing users to harder

That's precisely why it should be legalized.

If marijuana had been legalized in the 1970s, the crack epidemic of
the '80s would have never happened.

As the most popular illicit drug, marijuana provides the black market
connections that introduce drug users to harder drugs.

Current drug policy is, in effect, a gateway drug policy.

Marijuana's black market status puts users in contact with
unscrupulous individuals who push hard drugs.

Equally disturbing is the manner in which children have an easier time
purchasing marijuana than beer.

Robert Sharpe, Students for Sensible Drug Policy
