Pubdate: Thu, 11 May 2000 Date: 05/11/2000 Source: Tahoe World (CA) Author: Dan Scupin Although I am not a resident, I like Lake Tahoe and plan to visit in July. I have been reading about the Kubby trial and the Placer County drug warriors. I just have to comment on the ignorance of those that support the DARE program. Study after study shows this program, based on outright lies and half truths, does more harm than good. Like the drug war itself, DARE is a money-making machine for the drug bureaucrats and whether the results are good or bad is irrelevant. If the money wasted on DARE was used to honestly educate young people or to provide some basic treatment programs (not jails), the money would be well spent. DARE is like any well-entrenched, corrupt bureaucracy, they refuse to openly debate their practices and demonize those that dare to challenge their scam. Dan Scupin, Destin, Fla.