Pubdate: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 Date: 06/20/2000 Source: Seattle Times (WA) Author: Ken Friedman Referenced: Editor, The Times: I was pleased to see the state Democratic Party adopted a platform supporting legalizing marijuana, and sincerely hope elected Democrats start introducing legislation to further this goal. I was disappointed by your editorial ("Democrats' pot plan," June 16) criticizing this common-sense move. You suggest that this position will "alienate moderate, sensible suburban voters." I am a moderate, sensible suburban voter, and am willing to vote for and contribute money to any candidate from any party who will take a position against this modern-era prohibition. You accuse the Democrats of pandering to a "fringe element" of the party, but I don't even know anyone who supports the laws prohibiting private marijuana use. You also complain that this position makes it harder for parents, who are trying to "keep kids away from drugs of all kinds." This is ridiculous. Society really doesn't have to lock up my fellow citizens to help me raise my children. I would hope that I could tell my children about marijuana and still live in a free society. I can't imagine voters will be alienated by a position which declares that government has no role regulating innocent, private activities of our citizens. Ken Friedman, Edmonds