Pubdate: Tue, 06 Jun 2000
Date: 06/06/2000
Source: Denver Rocky Mountain News (CO)
Author: Mike Plylar
Note: subjectline edited by MAP

'Anyone Who Truly Addresses Our Misguided
Drug War Must Be Taken Seriously'

Peter Blake's May 28 column "Foe of drug war challenging Toltz in Dem
primary" attempted to make light of a very serious issue: our nation's
"drug war" and those who oppose it.

Anyone who has considered this policy, which has caused America to
incarcerate more of its people than any other nation and has corrupted
more of our law enforcement, judicial and governmental officials than
anything since alcohol prohibition, must be taken seriously.

Almost every right vested by the Constitution has been threatened or
immolated by this misguided policy. The federal, state and local tax
coffers are drained at a staggering rate in the quest for the
impossible: a "drug-free America." Foreign wars may be fought in
pursuit of this absolutely unattainable goal. Innocent American
citizens are regularly gunned down on our streets and in their homes
by government agents - and this is to be dismissed as an irreverent
political position?

I believe that any candidate who fails to address, discuss and debate
this most dangerous policy, fairly and honestly, should never be
considered for Congress. Jack Woehr may have a better idea and
definitely deserves our undivided attention.

Mike Plylar,