Pubdate: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 Date: 08/21/2000 Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author: Floyd Ferris Landrath Referenced: Writer Chris Nuttall-Smith has done an excellent job describing the trials and tribulations of those involved in the clandestine production of cannabis products for the masses, and the illegal profits (Inside growing operations, Aug. 7). He also gives us good, real-life examples of the folly of cannabis prohibition, along with a hint of the massive economic incentive that's involved in maintaining it, especially down here in the Lower 48. Nonetheless, unless one is blinded by those profits or on some holier-than-thou crusade to protect us from ourselves, the conclusion is nearly inescapable to any reasonable person. Prohibition is the real problem, and tolerance with regulation the only viable answer compatible with a free society which purports to operate fairly, under the rule of law. In 1998, here where I live, voters petitioned and then passed the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act. As a registered "caregiver," I carry a card and grow cannabis for registered medical users. After two years, there are nearly 1,000 patients and caregivers statewide participating in the program administered by the public health system and funded by a yearly registration fee. I have heard of no reports of any cannibis being diverted to the commercial market. Despite its inherant flaws and limitations, even under political attack and special interest opposition, the act still works and grows. With the act, we have real-world proof; cannabis regulation not only benefits responsible consumers, it also reduces illegal production and distribution, thereby reducing the public costs of police, courts, jails and black-market violence. Thanks to the act, there is less pot out there on the streets. Voters are not stupid. When they understand how much better regulation works, they will want more of the same. Then maybe those of us, Americans and Canadians alike, can find a way to make an honest living doing what we love, growing and producing high quality, adult cannabis products. And now I must get back to my little, albeit legal "vineyard". The lights just went on in the garden, and I've got a guy here in a wheelchair with multiple sclerosis who needs some medicine. Floyd Ferris Landrath, Portland, Oregon