Pubdate: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 Date: 08/28/2000 Source: Ft. Worth Star-Telegram (TX) Author: Mark Van Honts Regarding the Aug. 9 article "Alcohol masks anger, survey says": The financially and politically influential alcohol lobby successfully opposes the inclusion of alcohol in government anti-drug ad campaigns and, in doing so, perpetuates the ignorance that kills our children. I would add that the anti-drug ad campaign begins to look extremely stupid when one realizes that the very, very expensive ad campaign that ignores alcohol concentrates on cannabis, which has no lethal dose and whose pharmacological effects have not caused a single death in more than 5,000 years. Maybe the politicians are required to adhere to the party line of prohibition because law enforcement, customs, the prison industrial complex, the drug testing industry, the INS, the CIA, the FBI, the DEA and the politicians themselves can't live without the budget justification -- not to mention the invisible profits, bribery, corruption and forfeiture benefits that prohibition affords them. The drug war also promotes, justifies and perpetuates racist enforcement policies and is diminishing many freedoms and liberties that are supposed to be inalienable, according to the Constitution. Mark Van Honts, Fort Worth