Pubdate: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 Date: 09/14/2000 Source: Wichita Eagle (KS) Author: Allan Erickson Thank you for your editorial "Wasted?: Colombian aid seems unlikely to win the drug war" (Sept. 7). It is high time the newspapers in the United States begin questioning not only our aid to Colombia but our handling of all the issues involved with the war on (some) drugs. Neither Al Gore nor George W. Bush touched the subject of Colombia or America's drug war. Where, indeed, is the debate? Our drug czar, Barry McCaffrey, won't debate and indeed rarely will handle spontaneous questioning. Prohibition today is a greater travesty exponentially than was alcohol prohibition early in the 20th century. Our policies have only enriched criminal drug lords with unbelievable wealth and entrenched the bureaucracy that feeds at the overinflated antidrug trough. Please, make the war on (some) drugs and our involvement in Colombia the priority issue for our presidential candidates that it should be. Alan Erickson, Eugene, Ore.