Pubdate: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 Date: 11/30/2000 Source: Christian Science Monitor (US) Author: Robert Sharpe Authors: Robert Sharpe Referenced: According to your Nov. 27 editorial on the overuse of incarceration, "Wanted: the prison issue," it's estimated nearly half of the 2 million inmates in the US are serving time for small-time drug possession and other nonviolent crimes.Putting Americans with drug problems behind bars with hardened criminals is a dangerous proposition. According to research published in American Psychologist, about one-fourth of those initially imprisoned for nonviolent crimes are sentenced for a second time for committing a violent offense. Whatever else it reflects, this pattern highlights the possibility that prison serves to transmit violent habits and values rather than to reduce them. It's time to rethink the failed drug war and start treating all substance abuse - legal or otherwise - as the public health problem that it is. Robert Sharpe, The Lindesmith Center-Drug Policy Foundation, Washington