Pubdate: Thu, 03 Aug 2000
Source: Star (Malaysia)
Copyright: 2000 Star Publications (Malaysia) Bhd.
Contact:  13 Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Author: Foong Pek Yee and Nelson Benjamin


KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had 
been given a list of details on gangsters harassing local authorities who 
cracked down on premises peddling Ecstasy pills and running horse-racing 
video machines.

The list, which included the gangsters' vehicles and number plates, was 
submitted by Transport Minister and MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Ling Liong 
Sik at Putrajaya yesterday.

Dr Ling said Abdullah, who is also Home Minister, wanted to be regularly 
updated on the campaign on social ills.

The MCA will be launching an all-out war on Ecstasy pills and horse-racing 
machines at the party headquarters here on Monday.

The short-term effect of the pills include damaging a person's vital organs 
like the brain, kidneys and liver.

It is also suspected to be the cause of many fatal accidents, Dr Ling said.

Dr Ling also urged the public, particularly MCA members, to co-operate by 
providing feedback on the type of vehicles, their number plates and 
photographs if possible on those harassing the local authorities in their 
enforcement rounds.

He said he would also direct the Road Transport Department to study how 
many accidents were related to Ecstasy pill usage.

Dr Ling said he had also met the inter-religious council on Tuesday and 
they had pledged their support.

He said closing down nightspots was not the way to check the problem 
because it would instead adversely affect tourism.

In Rawang, Selangor police chief Datuk Nik Ismail Nik Yusof said yesterday 
that Ecstasy pill addiction in the state was at a worrying stage.

DCP Nik Ismail said police had conducted numerous raids and seized a large 
quantity of Ecstasy pills, adding that police would continue raiding 
nightspots where the pills were abused.

He said police had also held discussions with MCA on the matter and both 
parties were working closely to rid the state of the menace. 
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager