Pubdate: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 Source: Straits Times (Singapore) Copyright: 2000 Singapore Press Holdings Ltd. Contact: Forum Editor, 390 Kim Seng Road Singapore 239495 Fax: 733-2690 Website: Author: AFP AMPHETAMINE PILL SCOURGE HAS SPREAD TO SOUTH, SAYS GENERAL Thailand's Drug Problem HAADYAI -- Amphetamine addiction, which has caused havoc in Thailand's cities and has been named its top national security threat, has now spread to the rural south, the army says. ""I believe more than 50 per cent of villages in the south already have a drugs problem,'' said Lt-Gen Narong Denudom, the commander of Thailand's Fourth Army. ""We are very concerned because drug use is spreading rapidly through the community,'' he said, and added that things were probably going to get worse. In a region where many toil in rubber plantations and in the fishing industry, drug barons were finding it easy to recruit a network of pushers, he said. ""Because people in the south are poor, it's easy to lure them into the trade.'' Another factor behind the boom in amphetamines -- known as ""ya baa'' or ""crazy medicine'' here -- is an efficient new smuggling route which extends from the drug factories in Myanmar to southern Thai ports. The Thai army's push to close off the rugged northern reaches of the Myanmar border to drug smugglers has forced the trade to be diverted, by air and sea, to the town of Ranong on the southernmost tip of the border. From there they are distributed throughout the country. Haadyai, the main southern city, is buffeted not just by amphetamines from the north, but also by Ecstasy, which is shipped in from Malaysia, the army commander said. The Thai military estimates 600 million amphetamine pills flooded into Thailand last year across its long border with Myanmar. Community leaders say drug addiction is reaching crisis proportions, with more than 600,000 Thai youths reportedly hooked on cheap supplies of ya baa. The narcotics control board has announced a plan to tackle the problem at the community level by targeting a quarter of the country's 71,500 villages to ensure they are drug-free by the end of next year. But one army source was critical of the government's response: "Although we are confident we can solve the drugs problem in our area, to get rid of drugs from the country, we need to take a much more active approach.'' --AFP - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens