Pubdate: Wed, 16 Aug 2000
Source: The Coast Star
Address: 13 Broad Street, Manasquan, NJ 08736
Contact:  2000 Coast Star Newspapers, Inc.
Fax: (732) 223-8212
Author: Barry W. Johnson
Note: Barry W. Johnson, Director, Monmouth County Board of Alcohol and
Drug Abuse Services


Editor, The Coast Star:

The recent arrest of two young drug dealers and their huge stash of Ecstasy 
highlights the widespread availability and use of this drug, even here in 
our own county.

This dangerous drug (possession of which is now a punishable first-degree 
crime) has potentially life-threatening repercussions to its users. 
Technically named "3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine" and called "MDMA", 
"X", "E" or "rolls", it is seen by many people as a harmless "high." But it 
is very dangerous and its use has huge risks.

People considering the use of Ecstasy should beware: there are potentially 
life-threatening dangers awaiting you. Emergency room incidents of Ecstasy 
have increased significantly during the past few years; possible physical 
problems include elevated body temperature, accelerated heartbeat, high 
blood pressure, panic attacks, muscle cramps or fainting. Other possible 
problems include hallucinations. A recent autopsy of a young man who died 
of an Ecstasy overdose showed severe reduction of serotonin (a 
neurotransmitter) in his brain.

In addition to the dangers of putting a substance into your body which may 
be laced with other dangerous drugs, potential users of Ecstacy may become 
dehydrated, depressed and confused.

Is the possible short-term euphoria from Ecstasy worth the risk of the 
possible long-range impact of severe physical problems or perhaps losing 
one's life? No!

Is using Ecstasy worth the risk of contracting HIV or AIDS through reckless 
sexual behavior while under Ecstasy's influence? No!

Was it worth the risk of dealing and possessing Ecstasy for these two young 
men -- one now dead from suicide and the other who will go to prison for a 
long time? No!

There is help available for people (and their families) who are using or 
have used Ecstasy. Call the Drug Hotline at 800-225-0196, call us at 
431-6451 or look in your telephone book for agencies and individuals in our 
area who can help!
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart