Pubdate: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 Source: Daily Southtown (IL) Copyright: 2000 Daily Southtown Contact: 6901 W. 159th St., Tinley Park, IL 60477 Fax: (708) 633-5999 Website: Author: John O.Connor STATE DROPS FIGHT TO FIRE COP WHO USED MARIJUANA SPRINGFIELD -- Illinois State Police officials have dropped their fight to fire a trooper who admitted smoking marijuana. Police spokesman Capt. Dave Sanders said Thursday the agency is still working to reinstate Master Sgt. Mark Atchison, who has been on paid leave since completing a six-month suspension in November. "We continue to have zero tolerance for illegal drug use by our officers and we will always seek termination in those circumstances," Sanders said, reading a prepared statement. "Our officers know this and we do not expect any relaxation of compliance with our rules." A Sangamon County judge ruled Aug. 9 that the State Police Merit Board was within its right to suspend, and not fire, Atchison, a 17-year state police veteran and agency pilot. The 42-year-old Pawnee resident admitted puffing twice on a marijuana cigarette at a family party in February 1999 and tested positive for the drug in a random check three days later. But the merit board, a five-member panel appointed by the governor to handle state police hiring and firing, suspended Atchison for six months, banned him from ever flying again and ordered continued random tests and counseling. The agency saw little hope of success in an appeal, Sander said, adding the agency continues studying whether to make its zero-tolerance policy stronger. It states discipline for drug use should be "up to and including" firing. Atchison could not be reached for comment. Atchison's lawyer, John Hosteny of Springfield, said his client "wants to get back to work and get on with his career." The Illinois Attorney General makes the final decision on whether to appeal, but spokesman Dan Curry said the attorney general takes clients' wishes into consideration. - --- MAP posted-by: John Chase