Pubdate: Tue, 22 Aug 2000
Source: Star, The (Malaysia)
Copyright: 2000 Star Publications (Malaysia) Bhd.
Contact:  13 Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Author: Foong Pek Yee


KUALA LUMPUR: Schoolchildren are being offered 10 Ecstasy pills free for 
every new user that they recruit under a deadly scheme devised by peddlers.

Unlike get-rich-quick schemes promoted by some direct-selling firms, 
members of this marketing plan are only likely to end up in agony or even dead.

MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Ling Liong Sik, who disclosed the evil plan by 
Ecstasy pushers yesterday, said the targeted distribution network covered 
primary and secondary school students.

"Initially the children get a few free pills. Then they will be given 10 
for every new user they bring in.

"Subsequently, these children end up doing all sorts of wrong things to get 
the money for the pills,'' Dr Ling said when launching the MCA national 
anti-Ecstasy campaign at Wisma MCA here yesterday.

Those present included deputy president Datuk Lim Ah Lek, secretary-general 
Datuk Dr Ting Chew Peh, vice presidents Datuk Dr Fong Chan Onn, Datuk Seri 
Ong Ka Ting and Datuk Chan Kong Choy, Wanita chairman Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen 
and Youth chief Datuk Ong Tee Keat.

Dr Ling said half the battle would be won if parents could get children to 
be "psychologically prepared'' to reject Ecstasy pills.

He said locally produced Ecstasy pills mixed with warfarin (rat poison) and 
powdered glass gave users an almost immediate high.

"The glass cuts the intestines while warfarin thins the blood.

"This enables the amphetamine to go directly and very quickly into the 
blood system,'' Dr Ling, who is a medical doctor, explained.

He said MCA's research showed that girls aged 12, 13 and 14 were now 
frequenting discos.

"Hundreds and thousands of teenagers are seen leaving Megamall Pinang in 
Penang with girls being carried into vans to be ferried to undisclosed 
destinations,'' he said.

Dr Ling said Universiti Sains Malaysia's Poisons Centre had confirmed that 
there was a direct correlation between Ecstasy and Parkinson's disease.

He warned there would be a generation of Parkinson's patients below the age 
of 20 very soon unless schoolchildren rejected Ecstasy.

Children in the United States and Britain who started on Ecstasy at the age 
of eight or nine contracted Parkinson's disease before turning 20, he added.

Dr Ling said the Cabinet had agreed that other authorities and not just 
doctors and hospitals be allowed to conduct urine tests.

"Hopefully, the police can conduct urine tests on the spot for drivers 
believed to have taken Ecstasy pills,'' he said.

He said he expected problems along the campaign, adding that these would 
not be a deterrent to stem the menace.

"We must be confident and brave. If we run away, there will be no more 
hope,'' he said.

Dr Ling said Ecstasy damaged vital organs including the brain, heart, 
kidneys and nerves while some users also suffered amphetamine psychosis and 

These people suffered delusions and were also highly suicidal, he said.

He said many were believed to have died from Ecstasy but families were 
embarrassed to tell the truth.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens