Pubdate: Thu, 24 Aug 2000
Source: News-Sentinel (IN)
Copyright: 2000 The News-Sentinel
Contact:  600 West Main Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Author: Kevin Leininger, for the editorial board


When the Allen County Criminal Justice Task Force released a draft of 
its final report last month, its recommended improvements were 
sensible, if not exactly revolutionary. No. 1 on its list was: "Pursue 
all appropriate alternative sentencing programs to preclude jail 
confinement for misdemeanors and non-violent offenders."  

In plain English, that means: Don't put people in the county's
overcrowded jail unless it's necessary for the sake of justice or
public safety.

That recommendation should be kept in mind as Allen County Council 
members, judges and other officials ponder the future of the county's 
three-year-old drug court program, whose future is in jeopardy because 
of budget limitations. The program's intent, after all, is to 
rehabilitate, not incarcerate, some drug offenders.  

Superior Court Judge Kenneth Schiebenberger, the program's chief
advocate, says that, of the 73 graduates to date, just two have been
re-arrested, 34 who had been unemployed have found jobs and 17 have
obtained high school diplomas or GEDs.

If the program is indeed the success Schiebenberger and others insist 
it is, surely the money needed for its survival can be found in the 
various funds controlled by the courts, prosecutor and council.  
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MAP posted-by: John Chase