Pubdate: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 Source: Oregonian, The (OR) Copyright: 2000 The Oregonian Contact: 1320 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201 Fax: 503-294-4193 Website: Forum: Author: Richard E. Bayer, M.D. Cited: EMPHASIZE DRUG TREATMENT, NOT JAIL Thank you for the article "Fight drug war by treating, not just jailing addicts" (Aug. 8). The cornerstone of our nation's effort to decrease substance abuse must be treatment rather than jail. While substance abuse is our leading cause of incarceration and we imprison more than 2 million citizens (the highest rate among Western democracies), substance abusers seldom have access to treatment. Government policy is nonsensical. Treatment is unequivocally cheaper and more effective than jail, but our politicians (including President Clinton, Al Gore and George W. Bush) refuse to be convinced by the facts. Physicians for Leadership in National Drug Policy has a quality Web site ( and invites physicians and medical students who agree with the Consensus Statement to become associates of the group. Substance abuse originates as a medical problem, so it's about time that physician leaders spoke up. Richard E. Bayer, M.D. Southwest Portland - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens