Pubdate: Mon, 28 Aug 2000
Source: Herald Sun (Australia)
Copyright: News Limited 2000
Contact:  PO Box 14999, Melbourne City, MC 8001 Australia
Fax: (03) 9292 2112
Author: Nicola Webber


DOOMED heroin injecting room legislation will be introduced in State
Parliament this week, months ahead of schedule.

The State Government wants to bring on a debate on the issue after the
Liberal Party decision to block the controversial Bill in the Upper House.
The government had agreed to hold off the legislation until October, giving
the Opposition time to consider its stance on proposals for five supervised
injecting rooms in Melbourne.

Health Minister John Thwaites yesterday said a delay was pointless since the
Liberal and National parties had announced they would vote down the
legislation. "They have already indicated they will vote against it," he

"The Opposition should state why they are voting against it now and not
allowing a trial. There have been more than 200 deaths (from heroin) this
year already."
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