Pubdate: Wed, 30 Aug 2000
Source: Calgary Sun, The (CN AB)
Copyright: 2000 The Calgary Sun
Contact:  2615 12 Street N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 7W9
Fax: (403) 250-4180
Comment: Parenthetical remark by the Sun editor; headline by newshawk
Pubdate: Wed, 30 Aug 2000
Author: Brian Purdy

I AGREE with Licia Corbella's Aug. 27 column on marijuana use. I am
old enough, and of course virtuous enough, that I have never used any
illegal drug -- not even a single toke.

This might well disqualify me from discussing the effects of illegal
drugs except for the fact I spent 18 years in the Department of
Justice in Vancouver, most of it as a prosecutor or director of
prosecutions under the Narcotics Control Act.

I also lived most of that time in Kitsilano, and some days you could
almost get a contact high just walking down the street. I saw all the
effects Corbella described amongst my doper friends and acquaintances.
She didn't mention the listlessness and lack of ambition which seems
to result from heavy marijuana use. None of the dopers I knew ever
rose in the world.

Because of the physical effects, I have always opposed the
legalization of marijuana. It's one more substance which makes people

I think we all should contribute to society as best we can, but
marijuana users stop thinking about that after a while. Life becomes a
park to lie around in and not a road to be travelled.

The biggest reason not to legalize marijuana is the corrupting
influence it will have on government.

The government will soon be hopelessly addicted to the money it
produces. Marijuana use will expand greatly if legalized and the
government will do little or nothing to stop it.

I think we can expect to see more moves from the Liberals towards
legalization. I hope Corbella's columns at least slow the process.

Brian Purdy

(Even the Liberals aren't dumb enough to legalize marijuana -- are
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