Pubdate: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 Source: Times, The (UK) Copyright: 2000 Times Newspapers Ltd Contact: PO Box 496, London E1 9XN, United Kingdom Fax: +44-(0)171-782 5046 Website: Author: David Charter CHILDREN AGED 11 QUIZZED ON DRUG USE CHILDREN as young as 11 were asked in a questionnaire issued by North Yorkshire County Council how many times they had been "stoned" on illegal drugs. The survey included questions about smoking, drinking and religion and was given to 6,000 pupils at six secondary schools in Scarborough and Ryedale, causing complaints from some teachers. More than half the questions dealt with drug abuse and 26 were about sex, including: "Do you miss your favourite illegal drug if you don't use it for a while?", "Roughly how many times have you been stoned?" and "Most kids my age are having sex (yes or no)". One teacher at a secondary school said that staff were unaware of the survey's contents. "A number expressed concern to the head, particularly those teaching at the younger end of the school," the teacher said. Nick Seaton, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, was shocked by the number of questions about drugs and sex. "It goes way beyond the sort of questions children should be asked in school," he said. The results will help to form the sex and drug education curriculum at the schools that took part. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D