Pubdate: Wed, 06 Sep 2000
Source: Irish Examiner (Ireland)
Copyright: Examiner Publications Ltd, 2000
Author: Charles Hayes, East Ferry, Midleton, Co Cork.  


I WOULD like to add my voice to those concerned about the people of 
Columbia, a plight well illustrated by the situation Colombian Peace 
Communities and Fr Brendan Forde find themselves. Eschewing arms and 
asking only that they should be left in peace, these rural folk now see 
their members massacred. They live in mortal terror of Columbia's so 
called Malitia.  

Brendan Ford and what remains of the Colombian Peace Communities will 
have a better chance of staying alive if people speak out. While the 
Death Squads are an unofficial arm of the Colombian establishment, the 
Colombian Government itself looks successfully to the US for military 
support. The murderers of Fr Ford's parishioners are not merely 
militiamen. They are also the politicians and military bureaucrats of 
Washington who place guns in the hands of the killers for their own 
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