Pubdate: Wed, 06 Sep 2000
Source: Irish Examiner (Ireland)
Copyright: Examiner Publications Ltd, 2000
Author: Brendan Carroll


Over pounds 400,000 worth of drugs is being traded in Galway each week and 
heroin is now a problem in the city, a government minister revealed yesterday.

TD for Galway West, Frank Fahey said the growing problem highlighted the 
urgent need for more gardai in the city. Mr Fahey said levels of violence 
on the streets had increased and there was a noticeable switch to harder 
drugs despite extraordinary efforts by gardai to control the drugs flow.

Minister Fahey, who met Garda Commissioner Pat Byrne along with the 
Minister for Justice John O'Donoghue, to call for extra garda manpower in 
Galway, said that there was a feeling at garda HQ that there was enough 
manpower on the streets. That attitude was not acceptable, he said. "The 
gardai in Galway have done extraordinary work in their battle against the 
drugs trade. Estimates are that pounds 400,000 worth of drugs are being 
sold in the city every week, but my particular concern now is that there 
are reports of heroin being used, whereas 12 months ago, it was not. If 
this trade gets a hold, it will mean the death knell for Galway.

"A lot of the violence at night is drink and drugs related. Some months ago 
I spent a number of nights in the casualty ward to observe for myself what 
was happening, and was shocked to see the numbers coming in out of their 
minds with drink and drugs. I have to say that there were also some close 
calls from drugs such as Ecstasy. There were cases where young people could 
have died," said Mr Fahey.

The minister said the number one priority now had to be further resources 
for Galway gardai who were having success in the frontline battle against 
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