Pubdate: Sat, 09 Sep 2000
Source: Santa Rosa Press Democrat (CA)
Copyright: 2000, The Press Democrat


In a plot reminiscent of James Bond (remember Dr. No building a nuclear 
reactor on a Jamaican island in order to intercept U.S. rockets?), 
Colombian police discovered a partially-built submarine in the mountain den 
of drug traffickers.

According to naval experts, the 100-foot-long, 11-foot-wide sub is capable 
of traveling 100 meters below the surface on long ocean voyages. Experts 
believe the design would allow it to be transported in three pieces from a 
construction warehouse outside Bogota to a port city for launching.

Clearly the sub was being constructed to carry large amounts of cocaine and 
heroin to the U.S. and other countries.

While Bond movies are parodied -- think "Austin Powers" -- for over-the-top 
technology, there's nothing funny about the Colombia discovery.

If drug traffickers can build submarines, they surely can build armies. If 
they can buy engineering expertise from a Russian submarine builder, they 
can buy nuclear weapon technology from rogue physicists. If they are 
prepared to launch a submarine more sophisticated than any used by the 
Colombian navy, they are prepared to launch a war against those who would 
stop their business.

The submarine discovery is further evidence that America's $1.3 billion in 
Colombian aid -- including 60 attack helicopters and 500 U.S. Army and 
intelligence instructors -- delivered by President Clinton last week will 
be used for military intervention.
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D