Pubdate: Sat, 09 Sep 2000 Source: Denver Post (CO) Copyright: 2000 The Denver Post Contact: 1560 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202 Fax: (303) 820.1502 Website: Forum: Author: Fred Brown, Denver Post Capitol Bureau Chief VOTING LIBERTARIAN 'WILL SEND A MESSAGE' Sept. 9, 2000 - Even when Libertarian Party candidates don't win, voting for them "will send a message to the politicians that they will never forget," Art Olivier, Libertarian candidate for vice president, told a gathering of party members in Denver on Friday. "You must vote for a difference to make a difference," Olivier said at a "meet the candidates" event attended by about 40 people. The Libertarian message, Olivier said, is small government - "a government so small, it doesn't need an income tax." The Libertarian platform also includes an end to the war on drugs, "complete privatization" of the Social Security system, selling billions of dollars in federal property, bringing home U.S. troops from foreign assignments and rejecting any guncontrol proposals, Olivier added. "The Constitution is very clear," he said. "Any gun-control law is a violation of the 2nd Amendment. The federal government should be protecting the people from the states that are trying to violate the 2nd Amendment." Libertarians attending the meeting were encouraged to attend a Denver-area gun show this weekend to show their support for gun rights. Olivier, who served five years on the city council of Bellflower, Calif., including one year as mayor, is running with presidential candidate Harry Browne under the Libertarian banner. The candidates believe "we can completely fund government with tariffs and excise taxes," Olivier said. Colorado Libertarian candidates also spoke to the group, including David Baker, running for Congress in the 2nd District, and four candidates for the Colorado House of Representatives: Dr. Shawn "Elke" Glazer, in Jefferson County's District 24; Carol Geltemeyer, El Paso County District 15; Desiree Hackett Hickson, in District 18, also in El Paso County; and W. Earl Allen, running in District 31, the suburbs north of Denver. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D