Pubdate: Mon, 11 Sep 2000
Source: Star, The (Malaysia)
Copyright: 2000 Star Publications (Malaysia) Bhd.
Contact:  13 Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia


JOHOR BARU: The MCA is committed to wiping out the Ecstasy pill and 
slot machine problem, Datuk Seri Dr Ling Liong Sik said. The party 
president said the future of Malaysia's youth was at stake and the 
problem would be difficult to contain if nothing was done now.  

"Let's work together to ensure the success of MCA's anti-Ecstasy pill 
and anti-illegal slot machine campaigns.  

"The MCA cannot run away from the responsibility of wiping out the 
Ecstasy and slot machine menace from our society,'' he said at the 
Southern College cultural night on Saturday.  

Among those who attended were leaders of Johor Chinese associations and 
business organisations.  

Dr Ling, who is Transport Minister, praised the organisers of the 
event, saying it was no small feat to put up a cultural show.  

"Let's all work to keep the cultural freedom we enjoy in Malaysia alive 
for generations to come,'' he said.  
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MAP posted-by: John Chase