Pubdate: Tue, 12 Sep 2000
Source: Northwest Florida Daily News (FL)
Copyright: 2000 Northwest Florida Daily News
Author: Chip Woolwine


Can a father consume so much festival fried fish that he will return home
and beat his child to death? Can a young man eat so many snow cones that his
ability to drive is dangerously impaired? Can too much cotton candy cause
one man to shoot another? Can too much festival funnel cake cause a young
lady to do things that normally would cause her shame?

How about alcohol? Can too much festival alcohol cause a man to return home
only to shake his crying baby to death? Can festival alcohol cause a young
man to fatally drift across the center line of the Mid-Bay Bridge or wrap
his car around a telephone pole? Can festival alcohol cause a husband to
beat his new bride? Can alcohol cause one man to shoot another? Can festival
alcohol encourage a young lady to do things that normally would cause her

Alcohol should never be sold at high school football games, little league
baseball games ... or annual festivals. Any event claiming to be "wholesome
fun for the whole family" should be drug-free.

And, yes, alcohol is still the most destructive drug in America.

City and festival leaders, please wake up!

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MAP posted-by: Don Beck