Pubdate: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 Source: Globe and Mail (Canada) Copyright: 2000, The Globe and Mail Company Contact: Forum: Author: Andre Picard SLEEP LOSS WORSE THAN ALCOHOL FOR IMPAIRMENT, STUDY FINDS Attention workaholics: Moderate sleep deprivation leaves you more impaired than would drinking beyond the legally proscribed level of alcohol intoxication, according to a new study. Australian researchers found that staying awake more than 18 hours daily -- a normal event for many workers, from entrepreneurs to truck drivers -- slows reaction times more than drinking alcohol. Accuracy in carrying out routine tasks was also significantly poorer than when test subjects had a blood-alcohol level of 50 milligrams per decilitre. The longer the volunteers stayed awake, the worse they performed on tests, falling below the abilities of those who would be forbidden to drive. "These findings reinforce the evidence that the fatigue of sleep deprivation is an important factor likely to compromise performance of speed and accuracy of the kind needed for safety on the road and in other settings," Dr. Andrew Williamson of the school of psychology at the University of South Wales in Sydney, Australia, reports in today's edition of the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He said that countries that set allowable blood-alcohol counts should develop similar standards for fatigue. - --- MAP posted-by: John Chase