Pubdate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 Source: Canberra Times (Australia) Copyright: 2000 Canberra Times Contact: Author: Stan Murray Related: GRAVITY OF HEROIN USE ACCORDING to C. G. Chenoweth, President of The Law Society of the ACT, his society supports the Law Council of Australia's stand on their policy of treating drug use as a social and medical issue rather than a legal infringement, hence their approval of a proposed heroin trial in the ACT (CT, September 21). Surely the provision (Stage 1) and distribution (Stage 2) of heroin etc attracts a hefty fine and/or a jail term so therefore these two stages are criminal offences. The partakers of these drugs, albeit initially cavalier in their approach and usually youthful and inexperienced, should have drummed into them that the third stage (i.e. use of) is equally as grave and should attract the same penalty rather than receive a benevolent approval and assistance as a medical abnormality. The legal gravity to would-be addicts should be made obvious. Stan Murray, Watson - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D