Pubdate: Sat, 30 Sep 2000
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2000 The New York Times Company
Contact:  229 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036
Fax: (212) 556-3622
Author: Tim Golden


WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 - The White House is withholding millions of dollars 
in payments to a major advertising firm after allegations that the firm may 
have overbilled the government for its work on a huge media campaign aimed 
at discouraging young people from using drugs.

The White House drug-policy office, which oversees the media campaign, has 
held back some $13.5 million in payments on $187 million that has been 
billed by the firm, Ogilvy & Mather, much of it after one of the company's 
former employees and a White House project manager questioned the firm's 
charges, officials said.

In an internal government memorandum, a consultant hired by the White House 
to assess the charges also found that Ogilvy's costs, particularly for 
labor, were "dramatically higher than even the high end of what is standard 
industry practice."

Officials of the White House agency, the Office of National Drug Control 
Policy, emphasized that there was no evidence that the company had engaged 
in fraud. Ogilvy executives also strongly denied that they had done 
anything improper, saying that only $10.5 million in payments had been held 
up and describing the disputes as nothing more than the normal 
give-and-take between a contractor and the government.

"It is routine for bills to be negotiated; that's a standard commercial 
practice," said a spokesman for Ogilvy & Mather, Howard G. Paster. "We 
clearly expect to be paid for our work. There may be things that have to be 
adjusted, but we don't anticipate any significant reduction in billing."

In response to the allegations of improper billing, the United States 
General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, began an 
inquiry into the contract in July. The agency's Office of Special 
Investigations has found no evidence of fraud, the director of the office, 
Robert H. Hass, said, but the agency has now begun a full financial audit 
of the contract.

Ogilvy is the primary government contractor in an ambitious new anti- drug 
advertising and education effort called the National Youth Anti- Drug Media 

The campaign, which got under way in 1998, is expected to cost nearly $1 
billion over five years. It supplants the free advertising that was 
organized for years by the Partnership for a Drug Free America, a coalition 
of communications and advertising professionals.

That effort was seen to have lost much of its effectiveness as television 
audiences grew more fragmented and it became harder to reach young viewers 
through public-service announcements on major networks that were required 
to carry the announcements. After a long debate, the Clinton administration 
and Congress decided to spend public money to try to achieve a greater 
impact with the advertising, while also trying to influence the depictions 
of drug use in films, television shows and popular music.

The new campaign was criticized earlier this year, when it became known 
that popular television shows were submitting their scripts to the White 
House drug office in order to get credit for required public-service spots.

Under the terms of its contract, Ogilvy buys advertising time and space for 
the campaign and also negotiates with television networks and others to 
match the advertising they sell to the government with an equal amount of 
donated time.

Ogilvy and government officials said the agency's costs had been higher 
than expected in part because it had taken on tasks that were new or not 
anticipated in its contract, like working with social scientists to prepare 
television spots, or developing separate advertising campaigns for 
different ethnic communities.

"We are certainly concerned about the costs - it is much more expensive 
than we thought it would be," said Alan Levitt, the director of the media 
campaign for the White House drug office. "But there are reasons for some 
of it."

Mr. Levitt said that some of Ogilvy's large bills might have been the 
product of the agency's relative unfamiliarity with government accounting 

But privately, some other officials of the drug-policy office have raised 
other, sharper concerns, as documented in a series of memoranda provided to 
The New York Times by an official who believed that the Clinton 
administration was not taking them seriously.

In an April memorandum the manager of the media campaign, Richard Pleffner, 
wrote to the White House drug-policy chief, Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, 
retired, that Ogilvy's first bill for labor costs, submitted last 
September, raised questions about "excessive salaries, numbers of stated 
hours, unallowable compensation and erroneous computation methodology that 
benefits Ogilvy."

Those concerns escalated, he wrote, with each of the other two bills that 
the firm submitted for work it had done over the same time period.

Mr. Pleffner also wrote that a former Ogilvy employee who had been 
dismissed as a senior manager of the contract had told White House 
officials that a senior official of the agency had complained to managers 
in 1999 that the agency was not earning enough from the contract, and that 
thereafter "time sheets were altered to increase the number of hours 
worked" on the account.

"While it may not be unusual for a terminated employee to bring forth 
allegations against their former employer," Mr. Pleffner wrote in his 
memorandum, "in this case they corroborate pre-existing concerns."

White House officials said they sought to arrange an audit of the contract 
but were unable to persuade the Department of Health and Human Services - 
the agency being paid to handle the contracting - to conduct one before the 
contract was over. White House officials said the administration of the 
contract would be transferred to an office of the Navy by the end of this 
year, and an external audit will be conducted soon thereafter.
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