Pubdate: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Copyright: The Vancouver Sun 2000 Contact: 200 Granville Street, Ste.#1, Vancouver BC V6C 3N3 Fax: (604) 605-2323 Website: Author: Sandra S. Bennett LOSERS AND WINNERS IN THE WAR ON DRUGS The bottom line is that when substances are legal, they are perceived as harmless. But my son's death was attributed to a fatal cardiac arrest following ingestion of a small amount of cocaine, so I know better. Psychoactive and addictive drugs are illegal because they are dangerous, and people under the influence of these mind-altering substances often do terrible things to themselves and to others. One of the common denominators of teens in treatment is self-mutilation. Treatment is nothing more than damage control -- and not very effective at that. All the rhetoric of the druggies should not blind the public to the fact that making it safe, affordable and comfortable to do drugs will create hundreds of thousands of new drug users every year, just as tobacco does. If society had known 100 years ago what it knows today, it is doubtful tobacco would ever have become a legal substance. Marijuana has a far greater potential to do harm -- more than 12,500 scientific studies say so regardless of the spin put on that information by the media. Drug use is not a victimless crime. A group called Mothers Without Children will attest to the deaths of their children from the tragic side effects these substances often have. Sandra S. Bennett Director, Northwest Center for Health & Safety - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager