Pubdate: Mon, 02 Oct 2000
Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA)
Copyright: 2000 San Jose Mercury News
Contact:  750 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, CA 95190
Fax: (408) 271-3792
Author: Ann Landers


DEAR ANN: You used a letter from "Crushed in California," whose daughter, 
"Norma," had been acting in a bizarre fashion. She made horrible 
accusations about her parents and was irrational when they tried to speak 
to her. You said Norma might be mentally ill, and suggested therapy. I'm 
afraid Norma may already be seeing a therapist, who could be the source of 
her problem.

Norma's odd behavior and hostile accusations sound a lot like those false 
recovered memories that were so popular a few years ago. This 
now-discredited type of therapy was based on the flaky theory that all 
adult problems are the result of some childhood trauma, the memories of 
which have been repressed. The assumption was that as children, these 
patients must have been sexually abused by their parents in order for the 
memories to be so deeply repressed. Under this so-called "therapy," 
patients are taught to recover these non-existent memories.

Ask "Crushed" if her daughter is receiving this type of therapy. If Norma's 
"mental illness" is therapy-induced, it can be corrected through treatment 
with a legitimate therapist who does not practice this nonsense.

Lloyd in British Columbia, Canada

DEAR LLOYD: You've used some extremely harsh language, but I go along with 
every word you have written. Thanks for another opportunity to unmask those 
charlatans who destroy families. Read on for more about Norma:

 From Casper, Wyo.: This is for "Crushed in California," whose daughter is 
behaving strangely. Ten years ago, my sister-in-law began having memory 
flashes. "Maureen" saw a therapist, but it didn't help. One day, she had a 
mild seizure while eating lunch. It would have gone unnoticed by most 
people, but her lunch companion was a nurse who was able to recognize the 
implications. She suggested that Maureen see a specialist, who discovered 
that my sister-in-law had a brain tumor. Please tell "Crushed" to check 
this out immediately. It could save her daughter's life.

Lancaster, Pa.: Tell "Crushed in California" their daughter may be on 
drugs. My older sister had a great job and a bright future. She started 
taking drugs, and has been physically and verbally abusive to my parents 
for the past 20 years. We've tried hard to help her, but nothing works. The 
entire family is sick over this.

Columbus, Ohio: I'll bet Norma met a new man who got her involved with one 
of the designer drugs. A friend of mine was convicted of child endangerment 
because she left her young son with her boyfriend, and the child ended up 
in the hospital with broken bones. Designer drugs ruined my friend's life.

No State: Two years ago, my daughter and I were very close. Suddenly, her 
personality changed so drastically, I could not believe it was the same 
person. She was fired from her job, disappeared for hours, forgot to pick 
up her children, stole money, wrote bad checks, and her car was 
repossessed. We discovered she was using methamphetamine. She was diagnosed 
as being bipolar and is now being treated for mental illness and addiction. 
Tell Norma's parents that this could be what is really going on.

DEAR NO STATE: You, and many other kind readers, gave Norma's parents some 
possible answers. Your letters were wonderful.

DEAR READERS: Thursday is National Depression Screening Day. Once again, 
the number is (800) 242-2211; TTY for the hearing impaired is (800) 
855-2880. If you are depressed, or know someone who is, make that call today.

Write to Ann Landers in care of Features, the Mercury News, 750 Ridder Park 
Drive, San Jose, Calif. 95190.
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