Pubdate: Fri, 06 Oct 2000
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2000 The Denver Post
Contact:  1560 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202
Fax: (303) 820.1502
Author: Erin Emery, Denver Post Southern Colorado Bureau


Oct. 6, 2000 - The Colorado State Patrol announced Thursday that it has 
arrested a Tucson man near Pueblo in connection with the largest single 
cocaine seizure ever made by the patrol.

Troopers found 75 kilograms of cocaine, valued on the street at $1.4 
million, in a suitcase, spare tire and hidden compartments of a 1998 Ford 
Expedition. It was packaged in bricks that were 2 inches thick, 6 inches 
long and 4 inches wide and wrapped in duct tape, according to Trooper 
Richard Breece, spokesman for the patrol.

"It's the biggest cocaine seizure the State Patrol has made - in one shot, 
anyway," Breece said.

A trooper stopped the vehicle Sept. 20 on Interstate 25 about 15 miles 
south of Pueblo because it was weaving, Breece said. The driver, identified 
as 39-yearold Conrado Gaxila Valenzuela, was not intoxicated but was tired 
because he'd been driving since he left Tucson.

Breece said announcement of the arrest was delayed until after agents 
attempted to nab the intended recipients.

"The guy said he was cooperating with us," Breece said.

Agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration's Southern Colorado Task 
Force accompanied Valenzuela to Illinois, but "it didn't work out," Breece 

Valenzuela will be tried in the federal courts and is being held in a 
federal facility.
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