Pubdate: Sat, 07 Oct 2000
Source: Bakersfield Californian (CA)
Copyright: 2000, The Bakersfield Californian.
Contact:  PO Box 440, Bakersfield, CA 93302-0440


More than 10,000 fully mature marijuana plants were eradicated by law 
enforcement officers Thursday in Sequoia National Forest on the Tule River 
Ranger District south of Camp Nelson.

The street value was estimated at $41 million.

Officers located the crop during an aerial reconnaissance of the area, the 
U.S. Forest Service reported.

When officers arrived on the scene the following day, more than half of the 
plants had already been harvested, according to the forest service.

A search of the area turned up most of the missing plants hidden in the 
surrounding forest. Also located near the scene was a three-story bunkhouse 
with processing supplies and accommodations for at least 10 people.

No suspects were found during the raid.
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D