Pubdate: Tue, 03 Oct 2000
Source: Star, The (Malaysia)
Copyright: 2000 Star Publications (Malaysia) Bhd.
Contact:  13 Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Source: The Star (Malaysia)


MALACCA: The Chinese community's priority for material wealth has been 
blamed as the main cause of its youth succumbing to Ecstasy pills.

State Wanita MCA chief Datin Kian Sit Har said the preoccupation with 
wealth caused the community to neglect inculcating good moral values in 

"Chinese families in general are busy making money while schools emphasise 
education," she said when launching the movement's "Say No To Ecstasy" 
campaign at the Mahkota Parade yesterday.

She added that parents had to take time and find out why their children 
resorted to the pills and also what pressures they faced.

Kian suggested that the state government set aside funds to build 
recreational centres, libraries, computer centres and playing fields.

"This will help occupy the young minds and help them get away from Ecstasy 
pills," she said.

State executive councillor Datuk Poh Ah Tiam, who was also present, said it 
was all right to have fun at discos and karaoke lounges but there was no 
need to indulge in Ecstasy pills.

About 100 Wanita members attended the launch and pledged to go all out to 
fight the menace in Malacca.

Party members will put up posters to explain the dangers of Ecstasy pills 
at strategic locations during the campaign.
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager