Pubdate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000
Source: Daily Telegraph (UK)
Copyright: 2000 Telegraph Group Limited
Author: John Steele, crime correspondent


THREE Metropolitan Police detectives plotted to steal drugs worth more than
$500,000 in a bogus raid on a furniture shop, an Old Bailey jury was told

Two had a warrant from a magistrate claiming that they had information that
the shop held stolen goods. Orlando Pownall, prosecuting, alleged that the
three were working with criminals, including a former police officer, to
steal 40,000 ecstasy tablets from the shopkeeper.

However, the plot, hatched five years ago, was disclosed to police by the
former officer, Duncan Hanrahan, arrested in another matter.

Det Con Christopher Carter, 47, Det Con David Evans, 50, Det Sgt Leonard
Guerard, 52, and Vincent Arneil, 38, deny conspiracy to burgle and supply
ecstasy. Carter and Guerard deny perverting the course of justice. Arneil
denies conspiring to supply cannabis.

The trial continues.
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