Pubdate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 Source: Northwest Florida Daily News (FL) Copyright: 2000 Northwest Florida Daily News Contact: EXIT MCCAFFREY ... NOW HALT DRUG WAR We would have to live in a dream world to think it's going to change anything, but Monday's news that retired Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey is stepping down as the nation's drug czar would be an opportune time for the United States to reconsider its failed war on drugs. Mr. McCaffrey, whose official title is director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, announced he will resign Jan. 6, two weeks before President Clinton leaves office. It was Mr. McCaffrey who bribed television networks with millions of dollars to inject anti-drug messages into TV shows. Additionally, Mr. McCaffrey wants $1.6 billion to take the drug war into Colombia. That misguided idea would trap this nation in a quagmire with no escape, similar to the war in Vietnam. In the five years since the president appointed Mr. McCaffrey, federal tax dollars used to fight the war on drugs have increased without any real dent in drug use. The White House claims adolescent drug abuse has fallen, but this president has lied so much it's hard to believe anything that comes out of the executive mansion. Besides, if true, the drop in adolescent drug use could be attributed to many factors, such as education or a better economy, rather than a "zero tolerance" policy on drug use by kids. Regardless, reduced teen drug use in no way justifies the immoral and unconscionable war on drugs. Vice President Al Gore has freely admitted to smoking marijuana while younger. Does this mean he deserves to be locked in a cage? According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 1997 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 77 million (35.6 percent) of Americans 12 and older reported some use of an illicit drug at least once during their lifetime. Should this country, in the name of combating drug use, imprison 35.6 percent of its population? The war on drugs has fostered an atmosphere of disrespect for the Constitution by police agencies and lawmakers nationwide. The Fourth Amendment has been all but redacted in the name of fighting drug abuse. No-knock warrants, roving wiretaps, property seizure laws, the militarization of our police forces and random drug searches are becoming more commonplace as legislators try to win votes by appearing to be tough on drugs. Stories of police killing innocent people after knocking down the wrong door also are becoming commonplace. Just two weeks ago, police in Lebanon, Tenn., killed John Adams, 64, after bad information from an informant led them to raid the wrong house. Only 5 percent of the world's population lives in the United States, but 25 percent of the world's prisoners are housed here, thanks to the war on drugs. In 1994, 70 percent of everyone convicted of a drug crime was sentenced to time in jail or prison. More than half of all federal prisoners and nearly one-third of state prisoners are being held on drug charges. The United States spends $9 billion a year incarcerating drug offenders, according to a recent study by the Justice Policy Institute. Don't get us wrong. Drug use is bad. But drug use should be considered a social problem, not a criminal one. There is no justification in outlawing personal behavior, caging a large percentage of our population and endangering liberty in order to fight something that is unhealthy. When we give up liberties to fight a threat, real or perceived, we undermine the very foundation on which our freedoms are built. We should put an end to the war on drugs and instead concentrate on education and rehabilitation. It's time to stop the use of incarceration as a means to effect social change. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake