Pubdate: Mon, 23 Oct 2000
Source: Santa Barbara News-Press (CA)
Copyright: 2000 Santa Barbara News-Press
Contact:  P.O. Box 1359, Santa Barbara, CA 93102
Author: M. J. Rose


I am sorely disappointed. The News-Press has been very cognizant in the 
past of the risks that police officers take in enforcing the law.

The editorial "Drug War Casualty," excerpted from the Orange County 
Register, makes officers appear as blood-thirsty thugs, rather than men who 
raised their right hands and swore before their God to protect innocent 
citizens and uphold the constitutional rights of criminals.

"Such killings by police simply are inexcusable" the editorial states. The 
killing of people, except in self defense, by any party, is wrong. But this 
situation does not sound like a killing. It sounds like a tragic accident. 
An accident brought about by the extremes that police officers must go to 
in order go home each night, alive and in one piece. We see almost every 
day in the news how the drug trade creates large numbers of victims, both 
through violence and addiction.

It is no surprise to me that police officers, who are mandated by law to 
enforce the drug laws, are caught in the crossfire. Whether or not you 
believe in the war on drugs, one must remember that officers are there to 
enforce all the laws, not just the ones they might or might not believe to 
be morally correct.

It is the violence that is so pervasive in the drug culture that creates a 
niche for SWAT teams, who train to be able to handle such dangerous 
situations. I'm sure that once criminals cease murdering police officers, 
SWAT teams will become a thing of the past. However, the trend doesn't seem 
to be heading that direction. Two officers were killed recently in Los 
Angeles. Two more who won't be protecting us anymore. Two more who won't be 
going home to their families.

We in Santa Barbara County have been lucky in that few of our peace 
officers have given up their lives in the line of duty. It is evident that 
law enforcement leaders in our area make great efforts in providing the 
necessary training and equipment to provide an exceptional level of service 
and protection for those they are responsible for.

As for the individual officers, take the time to go and speak to them, and 
ask their concerns for their own safety. Take the time to thank them for 
protecting you and your family.

The abrupt and violent death of one as young as Alberto Sepulveda is a 
sorrow event, as he paid the price for his father's alleged misdeeds. I 
make no excuse for the actions of officer David Hawn. I'm sure that whether 
the shooting was an accident or intentional will become clear through the 
attorney general's investigation.

News-Press, I am disappointed. I realize that so-called "military-style 
assaults" are not very politically correct, but that you would print an 
article that suggests taking officers' protection away is awful.

M. J. Rose, Santa Maria
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