Pubdate: Tue, 24 Oct 2000
Source: Philadelphia Daily News (PA)
Copyright: 2000 Philadelphia Newspapers Inc.
Author: Don Russell


Police, L&I Crack Down On Nitrous Oxide Use At Vet

Sorry to burst your balloon, Eagles fans, but your favorite pre-game 
chemical is gone with the wind.

Police and city licensing officials yesterday swarmed through Veterans 
Stadium parking lots and confiscated at least a dozen tanks of 
buzz-inducing nitrous oxide.

Then, just hours before the Eagles coincidentally sleep-walked past the 
Chicago Bears, the mild anesthesia was released into the atmosphere.

The show of force was prompted by Daily News reports of rowdy, 
gas-intoxicated fans outside the Vet, officials said.

"It's a start," said Gerald Richards, a Licenses and Inspections manager.

"You're going to see a difference down here," he vowed. "Today was a first 

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is dispensed into balloons and 
commonly sold during pre-game tailgate parties. A filled balloon about the 
size of a basketball cost $5.

In a mad, dizzy scene of mind-altering dimensions, thousands of fans 
prepare for Eagles games by sucking down mouthfuls of the numbing gas. 
Before the cops arrived yesterday, the Daily News watched scores of 
green-clad guys inhale from blue balloons, then clumsily stagger or fall to 
the ground.

Though inhaling nitrous oxide for fun is perfectly legal in Philadelphia, 
selling it isn't - at least not without a vendor's license.

That was the hammer city officials used yesterday to pound the ballooners.

Undercover police spotted tanks in the middle of one lot on 10th Street. 
They were joined by uniformed officers and L&I agents who seized the heavy 

To the jeers of scores of disappointed stoners, the agents opened the 
tanks' valves and sprayed the gas into the atmosphere.

"That's bulls---, and you know it," one angered fan shouted, a spent 
balloon at his feet.

"Aw, c'mon, it was only a matter of time till they showed up," another 
disappointed ballooner replied.

Other fans voiced dismay that TV news cameras had once again spotlighted 
Eagles fans at their worst. They tried to drown out the hissing sound of 
escaping gas with their own earnest cheer of "E-A-G-L-E-S!"

There were no reported arrests or fines.

"One guy told us he just found a tank and decided he'd try to make a few 
bucks," scoffed Dominic Verdi, deputy L&I commissioner.

Losing a nitrous tank is costly for dealers, nonetheless. The gas, tank 
rental fees and the lost deposit can total more than $200.

The licensing officials also threatened to confiscate vehicles used to 
store the heavy gas cannisters.

"I told the guy with the Dodge Dakota, next time we'll confiscate his truck 
along with his tanks," said Verdi. ". . .Of course, next time he'll show up 
in a $200 truck."

Indeed, less than 15 minutes after the police made their first parking lot 
sweep, the gas men were back in business. Fans boldly waved their balloons 
at nonplussed cops.

The officials returned for a second sweep that netted a few more tanks.

But by then, the crowd's attention was focused on other attractions.

A top-heavy representative from an area "gentleman's club," circulated 
through the crowd and handed out advertising cards.

"Show us your balloons!" someone in the crowd yelled.

With a smile and not much else, she complied.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens