Pubdate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 Source: The Daily Courier (CN BC) Copyright: 2000 The Daily Courier Contact: 550 Doyle Ave., Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 7V1 Website: Author: J.P. Squire SPYCAM'S EYES STILL SHUT Psssst! Don't tell the bad guys, but the spy in the sky on Queensway isn't in operation yet. The area around the WAC Bennett Memorial Courtyard and downtown bus depot has been quieter in recent weeks. Perhaps it was the publicity surrounding the installation of a surveillance camera on a tall pole there. "The surveillance camera has not been turned on yet," RCMP spokesman Const. Garth Letcher confirmed last week. The hardware has been installed, but the detachment is still hiring and training four new employees, he said. One of those new employees will be responsible for monitoring the system, although not on a full-time basis. "I don't have a time frame, but three other people have been hired already. It will be a couple of weeks at the very least before the camera is operational," said Letcher. "It's not uncommon to see the complexion of the downtown change after Labour Day, for it to be a little quieter. "The number of complaints has dropped, but not significantly. It's not quite as high a volume as during the summertime." "We've noticed a decrease, but we've also taken some action down," said Cpl. Terry McLachlan with the city drug squad. "We've made some undercover purchases and everybody's fully aware the camera's there." When his undercover officers try to make a purchase, the dealer will sometimes suggest they move elsewhere to complete the transaction. "Kasugai Gardens has been a real problem for hypodermic needles, but when the camera was installed, it went down to almost zero and the criminal activity went elsewhere," says parks manager Joe Creron. "This year, I haven't heard of many. Kasugai Gardens is well under 10, compared to a couple days in 1999 when we found about 50." An official opening is planned to notify the public that the area is being monitored by closed-circuit camera. Two summers ago, Kelowna RCMP installed a surveillance camera on a wooden utility pole in Kerry Park at the foot of Bernard Avenue. The camera recorded a number of drug transactions and other criminal activity before someone set the pole on fire. The camera equipment wasn't damaged, but it was removed while city officials and police reviewed concerns by civil libertarians. The proposed Queensway installation was part of those discussions. Queensway has become notorious for drugs dealers, prostitutes and pimps in recent years. - ---