Pubdate: Wed, 02 Feb 2000 Source: Belfast Telegraph (UK) Copyright: 2000 Belfast Telegraph Newspapers Ltd. Contact: Author: Noel McAdam MINISTERS DELAY DECISION ON DRUGS THE Assembly Executive yesterday deferred a decision on responsibility for Northern Ireland's drugs strategy . Despite the currentpolitical uncertainty and the prospect that both the Executive Committee and the Assembly may be suspended, Ministers said they would determine overall responsibility for the strategy at their next meeting, due next Tuesday. But a statement after yesterday's seventh meeting of the Executive said there had been no delay in dealing with the additional pounds 1m funding earmarked for action to tackle growing drugs abuse. Ministers also discussed proposals for the next Structural Funds Programme. The European Union's Regional Policy Commissioner, Michel Barnier, is due to visit Northern Ireland on Friday. He will hold talks with Secretary of State Peter Mandelson and meet representatives from a number of EU funded youth projects. - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart