Pubdate: Wed, 01 Nov 2000
Source: Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Copyright: 2000 The Anchorage Daily News
Author: Richard Olson


It seems to me the coverage of Proposition 5, marijuana legalization, by 
the Anchorage Daily News has been slanted anti. Three columns, including 
one from Gov. Knowles. Many of their stronger points could be so easily 
refuted if I were allowed more than 250 words.

I believe Alaska stands much to gain with its passage, mostly by not making 
otherwise good people criminals. It's a useful God-given plant for goodness 
sake! Should governmental law determine what kind of grog or whiskey one 
may consume? Vikings wouldn't have gone for it! Similar to coffee, one's 
reaction time and coordination are not much affected and overdoing it is 
uncomfortable (how much caffeine can you stand?). Next time you smoke good 
pot, notice you don't sleep for a couple hours (relax with your eyes 
closed, but not sleep). As with coffee, it must have stimulating properties.

Sure there are bigger issues, but I, youth, and others disgruntled with the 
hypocrisy, injustice, and mythology concerning this issue are not going to 
be happy until it becomes resolve. You who think you can force people into 
submission with drug wars and law just don't get it! People die under such 
repressive thinking, causing one to disregard the law and others to stand 
and shout "don't tread on me." Establishment says to go through the system 
to change the system if you see injustice in it. So be it.

I love Alaska and the life she's given me, and so I will make the effort.

Vote yes on 5.


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