Pubdate: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 Source: Colchester Evening Gazette (UK) Copyright: 2000, Quicksilver Media Contact: 43-44 North Hill, Colchester, Essex CO1 1TZ Fax: 01206 508295 Feedback: Website: Forum: Author: Alun Buffry Referenced: and CANNABIS DIFFERENCES TWO previous letter writers on the subject of cannabis were both correct in their own ways, although seeming to differ Pete Henshall wrote that all drugs are not the same" and pointed out that cannabis is a herb (Postbag, 23 October). Randal Geringer tells us that 'Tobacco is a herb like marijuana. A drug must be manufactured: it does not grow on plants," (Postbag, 26 October). I am not entirely sure that the word herb can be applied to either plant and of course many drugs are indeed extracted from plants. But there are several major differences between tobacco and cannabis. Tobacco is toxic and highly addictive. Cannabis is neither. Tobacco, in its present form and after a significant amount of "manufacturing" kills millions around the world every year. Cannabis kills none. Tobacco is a large source of revenue for the Government; cannabis is not. The other difference of course is the legal status and there is where we all seem to agree: it makes no sense in punishing someone for consuming a plant. Alun Buffry, Legalise Cannabis Alliance, PO Box 198, Norwich - --- MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk